I am available to supervise PhD dissertations on topics including:
- EU science, technology and regulatory policies
- The regulation of technology, particularly risk regulation
- The use of science in policy-making
I have extensive experience of supervising students across a wide array of subjects (see below). Moreover, as director of the Politics PhD Program at Glasgow for three years I am well versed in the challenges faced by PhD students.
Current and former PhD students
Diane Alleva Cáceres. ‘Constructing Knowledge-based Industries in the Globalization Era: The Case of Bioscience in Canada and its Regions’ (2015) (CEO, Market Access International). Committee member.
Megan Dee, ‘Challenging Expectations: A Study of European Union Performance in Multilateral Negotiations’ (2013) (Lecturer in International Politics, Univesity of Stirling. UK). Co-supervised with Maurizio Carbone.
Scott Brown, ‘Power, Perception and Policymaking: The Foreign Policies of the US and the EU towards China’ (2014) (Lecturer, University of Dundee, UK)). Co-supervised with Cian O’Driscoll.
Edward Duru, ‘The Liberal Welfare State and the Politics of Pension Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Canada and the United Kingdom’ (2006) (Manager, Strategic Initiatives and Programming, Department of Justice, Government of Yukon, Canada). Co-supervised with Barry O’Toole.
Senia Febrica, ‘Institutional Change and the Competing Proposals in ASEAN Regionalism: Free Trade vis-a-vis Anti Terrorism’ (2014) (Knowledge Excange Associate, One Ocean Hub, University of Strathclyde, UK). Co-supervised with Cian O’Driscoll.
Maria Arantza Gomez-Arana, ‘Responsive Not Strategic: The EU’s Policy Towards Mercosur?’ (2011) (Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Northumbria University, UK). Sole supervisor.
Ariel Hui-Min Ko, ‘Not for Political Domination: China’s Foreign Economic Policy Towards Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia in the Open Era’ (2010) (Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Center of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Chung Hsing University and Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of International Affairs, National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan). Co-supervised with Jane Duckett.
Anke Schmidt-Felzmann, ‘With or Without the EU? Understanding EU Member States’ Motivations for Dealing with Russia at the European or the National Level’ (2011) (Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs). Co-supervised with Stephen White.
Supraja Sudharsan, “Transnational Climate Change Governance,” (2016- )
Poppy Winanti, ‘External Pressures or Domestic Politics: Explaining Change in Developing Countries’ Intellectual Property Legislation’ (2011) (Lecturer, International Relations Department, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia). Sole supervisor.